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Face-to-face: Transcribing Client Meetings
How can transcribing client meetings help your business? It’s all about the personal interaction. Recording and transcribing a meeting can ... more

Transcribing Brainstorming Sessions: Record Creativity!
How can transcribing brainstorming sessions make them more effective?
You need to record your creative output, and while note-taking is great, ... more

Client Meeting Transcription for Better Outcomes
How can client meeting transcription help you? Client meetings can be less stressful and more effective if you transcribe them. ... more

Recording an Informal Meeting – Take the Lead!
Recording an informal meeting can reveal hidden treasure. Some meetings are called with a particular goal in mind. And sometimes ... more

Conference Transcription: Top 5 Reasons
Conference transcription is one of the easiest ways to increase the value of your meetings and presentations.
Why hire Tigerfish Transcribing ... more

Audio Transcript: Pure Verbal Transcription
What would be a pure audio transcript? I mean just a transcription of sound? How do you transcribe a language ... more

Closed Captions and Video Transcription
When looking to create closed captions for your video, you might be wondering about the relationship between closed captioning and ... more

Transcribing Audio: Visible Speech and Symbols of Sound
Did you know there was a way of transcribing audio that does not require the transcriber to know the language ... more
Make a Statement with Business Transcription
What are some of the best reasons to hire a business transcription service to transcribe your corporate event?
Are you sponsoring ... more

Speech Transcription: Sounds of Conversation
How can you make an accurate speech transcription? Usually when transcribing talk, transcribers stick to the basics, and make a ... more
Meeting Transcription: Brainstorming the Brainstorm
How can meeting transcription help you optimize your brainstorming sessions?
Before the storm
You’ve scheduled a brainstorming meeting to generate ideas for ... more
San Francisco Transcription: A Longer History Part 3
San Francisco transcription has long been centered in North Beach, where Tigerfish Transcribing was founded in 1989. For more than ... more

Archaeology Transcription: Digging Into Meaning
Archaeology transcription and aerial photography
Archaeology transcription can mean any kind of audio to text transcription. Interviews and other qualitative data ... more
Edited Transcripts and Subtitles
How do edited transcripts become subtitles? This is part of a series of posts on the myriad uses and types ... more
Transcription Services: Editing for Style
What does it mean when transcription services offer editing? Transcription services need to be editing experts to know what to ... more
Editing and Transcription Services
You’ve got to understand!
How important is the quality of editing provided by transcription services? Pretty important! In Part 6 ... more
A textbook case: audio-to-text transcripts
Here is a story of audio-to-text transcripts which went on to become a famous text book, brought to you by ... more
San Francisco Transcription: A Longer History Part 2
Here is another chapter in the history of San Francisco transcription - the story of ancient skeletons found right here ... more
San Francisco Transcription: A Longer History
A series of posts about San Francisco transcription and the neighborhood that is home to Tigerfish Transcribing, purveyor of transcription ... more
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