Tigerfish. The most trusted name in transcription services.
Attention to detail, rock solid infrastructure. With over two decades in business, Tigerfish is on it. Friendly service, top-notch writing, and a transcript that makes you look good every time.
Tigerfish Air
Two hours guaranteed. Fully edited transcripts. Any live or prerecorded event. Nobody else even comes close.
Once again you have really pulled through. I heard that you are the best and I can see for myself you are.
Tigerfish. The word on time.
Intelligent writing, lexicographical expertise, first rate research — we’ve been there and we know how to make it work.
Tigerfish Air
Faster than you think.
Here’s something pretty amazing: a fully edited transcript in two hours, guaranteed.
Built with handmade technology, split second coordination, and our expert team of transcribers and editors. It’s patented.
Any live or prerecorded event — two hours guaranteed. Nobody else even comes close.
Tigerfish Priority
Still Amazing.
Same day, next day, you name it.
Three to five business days for most projects; guaranteed delivery time.
And rest assured — whether your project requires Air or you are flying Priority, you’ll be covered by the experience and know-how of the legendary Tigerfish Ground Crew.
No matter the speed, satisfaction guaranteed.
Book now- Video production
- Conventions
- Legal
- Healthcare
- Qualitative research
- Marketing / PR
- Consulting Financial
Learn more
Everything went incredibly well. The transcripts were delivered promptly, and communication with your office was effortless. Thanks for everything!
Camp Creative
We use Tigerfish Air to get our transcripts in around an hour. From start to finish the process is seamless and that sure makes my life a lot easier!
HT Intel
A solid reputation, built on a commitment to excellence.
From earth science to space exploration, from historical archive to economic forecast, from print to air, courtroom to boardroom, Tigerfish has earned the trust of those who need it right the first time.
Our esteemed clients include:
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- Technology
- Finance
- Health
- Media
- Marketing
- Arts & Humanities
- Non-Profit
- Government
- Legal
- Design
- Manufacturing
- Consulting
- Natural Sciences
- A»Z
- Z»A
Can't tell you how much we have enjoyed using Tigerfish. Each time I've called you in a pinch I've been able to talk to a real voice. That's huge.
BO, Presentation Strategies
Resourceful, dependable, intelligent, friendly.
New Technology
Reflections from the
guy who started it all
“At first, Tigerfish was a one person operation: I picked up cassette tapes and delivered printed transcripts by bicycle…”
Founder Adam Goldberg on the origins of Tigerfish.
The Neighborhood
John Coltrane and Thelonious Monk played around the corner. Joe DiMaggio married Marilyn Monroe in the local cathedral. Francis Ford Coppola edited The Godfather on our street. Lenny Bruce performed at the Purple Onion. Allen Ginsberg and Bob Dylan hung out at City Lights Books. Ellen DeGeneres got her start here. Robin Williams worked new material a few blocks away. Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Alfred Hitchcock, Jimmy Stewart, Clint Eastwood, and Woody Allen filmed here.
And for over twenty years San Francisco’s North Beach has been home to Tigerfish. We’re local in New York, too.
Call us up. There are some people we’d like you to meet.
I have come to expect excellent service and a great value from Tigerfish over the years. I’m pleased with the ease of use and the quick turnaround. Overall, I remain really pleased.
MB Haas, Jr. Fund
Tigerfish Blog: what you should know, and more
Face-to-face: Transcribing Client Meetings
How can transcribing client meetings help your business? It’s all about the personal interaction. Recording and transcribing a meeting can […]
Transcribing Brainstorming Sessions: Record Creativity!
How can transcribing brainstorming sessions make them more effective? You need to record your creative output, and while note-taking is […]
Client Meeting Transcription for Better Outcomes
How can client meeting transcription help you? Client meetings can be less stressful and more effective if you transcribe them. […]
Recording an Informal Meeting – Take the Lead!
Recording an informal meeting can reveal hidden treasure. Some meetings are called with a particular goal in mind. And sometimes […]
Conference Transcription: Top 5 Reasons
Conference transcription is one of the easiest ways to increase the value of your meetings and presentations. Why hire Tigerfish […]
Audio Transcript: Pure Verbal Transcription
What would be a pure audio transcript? I mean just a transcription of sound? How do you transcribe a language […]
- Topics:
- Best Practices
- Famous Transcripts
- Local Color
- The Wide World of Transcription
- Tigerfish News
- Transcription Technology
- Transcription Tips
- Video Transcription
- What is Transcription?
Tell us what you need and we'll get it right.
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Use this secure upload to submit your order. We'll be in touch to confirm delivery times. Questions? lydia@tigerfish.com or (415) 989-8990