Tigerfish: Best Practices

Transcribing Brainstorming Sessions: Record Creativity!
How can transcribing brainstorming sessions make them more effective?
You need to record your creative output, and while note-taking is great, ... more

Client Meeting Transcription for Better Outcomes
How can client meeting transcription help you? Client meetings can be less stressful and more effective if you transcribe them. ... more

Recording an Informal Meeting – Take the Lead!
Recording an informal meeting can reveal hidden treasure. Some meetings are called with a particular goal in mind. And sometimes ... more

Conference Transcription: Top 5 Reasons
Conference transcription is one of the easiest ways to increase the value of your meetings and presentations.
Why hire Tigerfish Transcribing ... more
Make a Statement with Business Transcription
What are some of the best reasons to hire a business transcription service to transcribe your corporate event?
Are you sponsoring ... more
Meeting Transcription: Brainstorming the Brainstorm
How can meeting transcription help you optimize your brainstorming sessions?
Before the storm
You’ve scheduled a brainstorming meeting to generate ideas for ... more
Five Best Uses of Lecture Transcription Services in Classrooms
Maybe Richard Feynman and his colleagues were the pioneers, but lecture transcription has become de rigeur in university and college ... more
Video Transcription for Interviews in Documentary Television and Film
Are you interviewing for television? Talking to experts in their fields, and don’t want to miss a word they say?
Who ... more
How a Quality Transcription Service Can Help Your Organization Innovate
It's an everyday occurrence. A good meeting. How can a good transcript help you get more out of your meetings? ... more
A Quality Transcription Service Helps You Innovate!
A quality transcription is an accurate, formatted, appropriately edited transcription. Why choose quality transcription? For most purposes, there is really ... more
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