Transcribing Brainstorming Sessions: Record Creativity!

How can transcribing brainstorming sessions make them more effective?
You need to record your creative output, and while note-taking is great, transcription can provide an additional non-disruptive and more complete record.
But first, you need to have a fruitful brainstorming session.
Four Ways to Improve Your Brainstorm
Define your objective
Posing a question is a good way to do this. Questions lead people to think of….you got it – answers! You can start broad: “How can we double our customer base in the next year?” And narrow it down in subsequent sessions: “How can we reach new buyers using video web content?”
Establish a quantitative goal
Something as simple as “40 ideas in 40 minutes” can fuel the process. Stay on it – use a timer, and go! More is better in this case. It’s rock ‘n roll – rhythm, timing, dynamism, inspiration and improvisation. Set the pace.
Build, don’t demolish
Postpone analysis. Save the critique. For maximum creativity, make the first and second meetings strictly positive. You want to build on each other’s ideas, not tear down. A good transcript can record creativity in process and deliver it promptly. This can give important feedback on whether a meeting was conducted optimally.
Transcribing brainstorming sessions: Record creativity in process!
Make a big list on a whiteboard that everyone can see. And make an audio or video recording. Use a quality transcription service when you want to transcribe these meetings. You may be great at taking notes, but you may still be surprised by how much gets lost without an actual transcript.
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