San Francisco Transcription: A Longer History Part 3
San Francisco transcription has long been centered in North Beach, where Tigerfish Transcribing was founded in 1989. For more than a quarter century, Tigerfish has been the premium provider of transcription services to the Bay Area and beyond, providing verbatim transcription and transcripts edited for clarity, local and national. Tigerfish Transcribing provides all audio-to-text, video transcribing, interview transcription, financial transcription, focus group transcription, and general transcription services. But while 25 years in the neighborhood may seem like a long time, North Beach has a much longer history!
You may have read that once upon a time, giant mammoths and bison were living right here at the corner where Tigerfish Transcribing resides. Today I thought I’d fill you in on some of the other megafauna who lived in San Francisco back in the day. Way back in the day!
According to website ICEAGEBAYAREA, “before the San Francisco Bay was a bay, it was a verdant green plain, with a single river gushing through it to the sea. The Pacific coastline extended out 12-15 miles further than it does today. This area was once home to mammoths, camels, wolves, bears, lions, giant sloths, and antelope.”
Location of San Francisco transcription company Tigerfish Transcribing
Saber-toothed Tigers to Tigerfish
Among these huge animals were Giant Short-faced Bears – bears who could run (maybe up to 40 miles per hour) on their two hind legs. Standing up like that, they were 12 feet tall! There were also Giant Beavers – about nine feet long, and looking quite similar to today’s beavers. The famous Saber-toothed Tigers had canine teeth that were seven inches long. Giant Ground Sloths, too big to climb, lounged here. Outsized birds with wingspans of 25 feet hunted from above. These megafauna lived during the Pleistocene epoch, from 1.8 million years ago to about 8000 years ago. Just how much the various animals overlapped with human residents (and whether human hunting helped lead to their extinctions) is unknown.
Carmen Perry
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